Thursday, May 26, 2005


This word makes me sad and angry. Hell it makes me furious......they are the words I heard last Friday that I sort of expected but hoped would not pop up in my conversation with my nurse from the IVF clinic. Why did they cancelled? Well even though I was injected with more hormones that the average athlete (oops don't mean to offend), it was still not enough. I had thirteen follicles as a result but their size was the size of a smartie as opposed to a peanut M&M. Damn.

I then tried to see whether I could do a flare cycle (quicker) but 'no' I don't meet the criteria. I have to start on the BCP all over again for 4 weeks then Lucrin then gonal f and then hope I don't get sad and angry again.....

Today I heard that Melinda (Garnet - EB) was being assisted breathing as she is suffering from CF. She is also approx 28 weeks pregnant so I just wanted to wish her and her little Jebus the strongest vibes for the next few days. Not only has she had to endue CF but many other hurdles. Thinking of you.