Yes I have reached the goal of 12 weeks but I keep on moving the posts and now they have moved to 15 weeks!
Everything seems to be going good, I had my NT b/t and scan and have a very low risk of downs syndrome and two other chromosome abnormalities so I am very happy.
I am still feeling unwell but not to the point of throwing up, which I am extremely grateful for. I have had three OB appointments and between the 1st and 2nd I had put on two kilos (yes you read right) but between the 2nd and the 3rd nothing at all (phew!). Ah heck honestly I will just deal with that as it comes and then after the pregnancy.
The house starts construction again next week.....I will post a picture so you can see where we are up to. My prediction is that it WON'T be finished before bubs is due, but D. said it is possible.......