Monday, February 28, 2005


The only pre-menstural symptom I have ever had would be sore (.)(.)'ies. The ache so much so that I try not to walk around too much. I have the biggest (.)(.)'ies ever normally but when PMSing, they are HUGE!

Usually when I go to the doctors and they ask me whether I have any PMS I say nope, nothing but massive (.)(.)'ies and their reply usually is 'lucky girl'. I always thought that the foul mood thing is just an excuse for us average girls. Oh but I am in shock.....for the 1st time ever I have not had sore (.)(.)'ies but rather I am in the foulest mood E V E R. No reason at arguments at home, not hoping for a BFP as I didn't BD at the right time, DH being as understanding as ever but I have the SHITS. Big time.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


I love WAGAMAMA. Some of you may be wondering what the? Well Wagamama is a new Asian (Japanese) style noodle bar/restuarant and I love it. Suffice to say that I have been there twice this week and both have been freebies. That is a first for me. I just love Wagamama. Oh they have a website it's

Talking about MAMA, I wanna be a mama!! DH and I are off to see the Nurse tomorrow for our nurses interview and I am so scared as to what his reaction is going to be. He is still not sure on all this IVF stuff. It scares the hell out of him. Hopefully tomorrow we can open his eyes to the fact that IVF has little risks and work from there.

Fingers crossed for me.....

Friday, February 04, 2005

It's not my fault, maybe just a little

Yesterday Sydney was drenched in Summer rain. Yes we need it but did the office need to be flooded? I was in the bosses office looking out the window at the idiots contemplating walking to their cars and then contemplating driving. So it was not my fault that I did not hear the downpour of rain coming into the office (yes you heard right). Who happened to save the day.....the bitch did of course as she heard it from downstairs and ran upstairs to tell us that the offices were flooding. We have some guys in cleaning up the mess so it did end all too badly now did it.

The wicked witch turned up today so noone wants to try me today. There were no symptoms that I was pregnant but then again what do I know about symptoms....I have never had any have I?

Oh if you want to check out my charts minus the tempretures click here

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Please forgive me

Well I tried changing the settings and adding a picture but no can do. As long as I can post my thoughts, that is the important thing. I have viewed many blogs and mine will be *&^%$# in comparison.

Well a bit about me, I am 29 (do not want to mention that I am turning the big 3 0 this year! Duh 30 comes after 29!!) and am working within the Workers Compensation industry. My dream career would be to be in the Police Force. Why?? Not too sure why.

DH is a jack of all trades. He is brilliant with his hands (mmmmm) and can make something out of nothing. DH is 31 and still a big kid.

We have been TTC for a little while and this consumes my thoughts all day everyday. A little more about that next time.....

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