'What if'
Ok now I know I dwell on the future too much and the fact that I am yet to complete a full IVF cycle but this morning I was chatting away to a lovely girl in the IVF waiting room (blood test) as well as the ultrasound waiting room and she had alreay completed (from memory) 5 AC cycles and was currently doing an donor egg (DE) IVF cycle. I started to think 'what if I could not fall pregnant whilst doing IVF? Would I want to go to the next step of using DE or even donor sperm (DS)? Would DH go to that extreme?' And the answer is I just don't know. I know that I would be happy to adopt, as would DH. So would I try the DE or DS first. Hmmmmm
On the bright side, u/s and b/t went well but the nurse will give me a call some time soon to give me the news....another couple of days of FSH or EPU? I have my bets on another couple of days of FSH but then again they are getting bigger.
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