Thursday, August 18, 2005

Twiddling Thumbs

Twiddling twiddling twiddling....

I am going nowhere with IVF. I am in between cycles and this is more of a killer than 2ww. Why do I have to have a rest cycle?? Well I asked my doctor that at my appt yesterday and she said 'it best prepares your body for your next cycle'. Yeah well does it prepare me mentally NO - and a BIG FAT NO that was! It stresses me out even more and it is not even a relief to get there as I then have to inject forever in a day and then you have the EPU and then you what to find out how good your embryos are and then it is waiting again. Have I told you that I fcuking hate this waiting game. Yeah I what. You would too if you were me. Oh get this?! The doc wanted DH to do a SCSA test even though 3 out of the 3 embroys fertilised, one brilliantly, one nor here nor there and one didn't make it. I actually think this was a pretty good result but seems to me they don't make enough moula from IVF that they want another $273 for this test. Yeah I'm rich so why not.

The house still has not started. The electrician has put some temporary power on site, D will put up the construction fence this week some time, plumber will go in next week to supply water on site then we should be able to start. Again twiddling thumbs in the mean time.

Hoping like hell that this twiddling stops soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, the dreaded resting time. I agree it has its own horrors not unlike the 2WW. The SCSA test is very $$, would this be covered by Safety Net at all?
Keep busy, it sounds like you have stacks going on in your life without IVF!
Thinking of you

2:13 pm  

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