Friday, October 07, 2005

I am part of 'The Baby Factory'

Last Friday I had the pleasure of being interviewed by a 'writer/journalist' whom is writing her own book 'The Baby Factory'. It was a pleasure as the writer/journalist conceived her daughter via IVF, so there was so much understanding and empathy for what I was going through.

Giving my story bought back so many memories; the Chinese herbs, the tea and other concoctions from o/seas, the Healer in Wollongong (who still holds a special place in my heart) who blew on me to rid me of bad spirits, and so much more. I have done it all and you know what I would do it all again in a second if I knew that I would be able to fall pregnant. Things we do.

I had my b/t on Tuesday and was given the go ahead with Puregon (FSH) and start that tonight. Another b/t on Monday morning and it seems to be all go from there.

Thanks to my friends commenting who are always on hand to offer their support.


Blogger Mari said...

Anita - glad to see that you have started again.

12:44 pm  
Blogger Mari said...

Reading back over that can be taken the wrong way...stupid Mari...Sorry if it upsets you!

12:44 pm  
Blogger Nico said...

Glad you got the go ahead! Thinking hopeful thoughts for you.

5:59 am  

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