Those buggers down below...
We have Marla (left in picture)- she is a pure boxer. Not affectionate, but you know that she cares. She loves chasing anything and is the best guard dog ever. They do say that boxers are the jokers of guard dogs and this rings true. She is 6 years old and just a darling. She loves D. much more than me but so have all our dogs.
Barney (middle in picture) - is a cross aussie bulldog and boxer. He is bulldog in statue but has the boxer head. He does not listen and runs the other way when you tell him to go into his enclosure (before you jump the gun the enclosure is about the size of 1/2 a football field, we live on acreage). Although he has selective hearing (bit like D.) he is just a charmer. Those eyes are monkey like and all is forgiven in a few minutes.
Then it is the one and only Bully (Barneys brother and right in picture) - As opposed to Barney Bully listens. He listens to the door opening (this may mean that we are bringing out food), he listens to the garage door opening (this may mean that we are going to the fridge getting their food ready), he listens to my car pulling up in the driveway (as this may mean that I have just bought some fresh bones / meat from the butchers), he listens to D. as more often than not D. is eating something which must be shared of course. See he listens. Bully is also very much taken after the aussie bulldog as opposed to the boxer side. He jumps on you when you least expect it and is a chicken. He is scared of everything. In fact he is the worst guard dog we have had but Marla is there for that.
D. and I had had two boxer brothers (Mack and Zappa) who we love dearly. They will NEVER be forgotten and are forever in my heart.
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