After reading my last few entries I noticed that I hadn't really updated you on my ultrasound the week before last. I cannot believe that I haven't.
To recap, I had 7 eggs retrieved of which 1 was deemed abnormal. Out of the 6, 2 reached the blastocyst stage. They were deemed a Grade 2 and a Grade 3. It was not recommended that I freeze the Grade 3 as it was not deemed to be strong enough to survive a thaw. We elected to transfer both.
On the day of the ultrasound I did not think that I would have two, actually I was doubting that I had anything in this uterus of mine. Well it turns out that I do have two little ones. We will call them Twin A & Twin B. There is a BUT though.....
Twin B is lagging behind and they do think that by my next ultrasound (tomorrow) that he will not be there.
The stats were
- Twin A, measuring exactly 7 weeks, h/b 137bpm
- Twin B, measuring 5 weeks & 6 days, h/b 85bpm
I didn't know how to feel. Excited as something WAS there, sad and disappointed that Twin B was fighting so hard to stay with us. The sonographer told me that it was best that I see my Ob immediately for a quick consult and he just reiterated that there wasn't much that he could do and that as most u/s happen at 12 weeks, most spotting that occurred in the 1st 12 weeks was probably due to miscarrying a twin.
I still am not sure how to feel and pray that tomorrow shows Twin B on par with Twin A but know that this is probably not likely.
Anita - I have been checking on you daily and just so this post. OMG I can't believe that this is happening to you!! I'm so sorry and I hope and pray that Twin B is still with you tomorrow.
It is hard to understand how to feel.
The words that I'm writing don't feel enough to express how deeply sorry I am that you are going through this shit.
You are in my thoughts!!!
Just checking in to see how your scan went! Waiting here for your news!!
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