See no entry about symptoms...see...see! I told you I would be good.
Well I had my transfer on Monday and after Saturdays call confirming that all were going good (4 x 6 cell and 2 x 8 cell), I really thought that I would have no problems. As you can gather, I was shocked to hear, on Monday morning, that 3 had stopped dividing, 1 was neither here nor there (we subsequently left this one for one more day but it also stopped growing) and 2 reached the blastocyst stage but they were not looking great (Grade 2 / 3). I transferred both as there really was no point freezing a Grade 3 blastocyst.
Triggered on Monday night in prep for Wednesday EPU.
Nice to see you? It is nice to see D. again at the end of the day, it is nice to see long lost friends, it is nice to see relatives living o/seas again, it is nice to meet cyber friends IRL (as long as they don't stalk me) ...
Last Friday I had the pleasure of being interviewed by a 'writer/journalist' whom is writing her own book 'The Baby Factory'. It was a pleasure as the writer/journalist conceived her daughter via IVF, so there was so much understanding and empathy for what I was going through.