Monday, October 31, 2005


See no entry about symptoms...see...see! I told you I would be good.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Not so good....

Well I had my transfer on Monday and after Saturdays call confirming that all were going good (4 x 6 cell and 2 x 8 cell), I really thought that I would have no problems. As you can gather, I was shocked to hear, on Monday morning, that 3 had stopped dividing, 1 was neither here nor there (we subsequently left this one for one more day but it also stopped growing) and 2 reached the blastocyst stage but they were not looking great (Grade 2 / 3). I transferred both as there really was no point freezing a Grade 3 blastocyst.

I am hoping and praying but the doc / nurses really didn't reassure fact one of the nurses said 'we have had one lady fall pregnant with these types of blastocysts, so you just never know'......ONE LADY???!!! That said it all.

BUT being me, I am still a little hopeful as I have to be. I just didn't think I would have to go through this all again so soon. I am thinking of calling it a day (purely because I have never had any frosties) or maybe I just need to pop a chill pill? Maybe the latter!

Oh and pregnancy symptoms.....I could have swore I was pregnant even before the transfer! So absolutely NO looking out for symptoms, will wait for the 4/11.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Triggered on Monday night in prep for Wednesday EPU.

Had my EPU yesterday, got 2 eggs from the L ovary and 5 from the R ovary. I rang this morning for fertilisation rates and they deemed one egg immature but out of the 6 ICSI'ed 6 fertilised! Really happy, as if you can remember I had 8 eggs last time and immediately 5 were immature, so I am 3 up on last time already!

Will ring again on Day 3 (Saturday) and again on Day 5 (Monday - transfer day) for further updates.

The waiting begins.....

Friday, October 14, 2005

Nice to see you again?

Nice to see you? It is nice to see D. again at the end of the day, it is nice to see long lost friends, it is nice to see relatives living o/seas again, it is nice to meet cyber friends IRL (as long as they don't stalk me) ...


for the u/s lady to say 'nice to see you again'? FFS it is not nice to see YOU I tell her. She was stunned but then I had to explain. I told her the only time she can EVER say that so me again is if I am coming in for a pregnancy u/s. Mind you I think I will be saying 'nice to see you again' to her and really truly meaning it.

Ok the details:

Right Ovary - 7 follicles ranging from 6mm-16mm. Most are around 13-16mm
Left Ovary - 5 follicles ranging from 11-16mm

Don't know whether I am happy or not as last time I had 16 follicles of which only 8 had eggs. You see a follicle does not always mean it has an egg and you will only find that out on the day of EPU. But these follicles are much bigger than anything I have had previously. In saying that the idea was this cycle that we would stim a little longer to allow any smaller follciles to develop and in turn loosing the bigger ones. I am thinking that based on today's results I would loose all of them if we did that so I will be talking with the nurses this afternoon.

I have been reading the story about baby Joey since he was born and was devastated to read that he had lost his fight with his killer disease. My thoughts are with Chris and Kara at this difficult time.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I am part of 'The Baby Factory'

Last Friday I had the pleasure of being interviewed by a 'writer/journalist' whom is writing her own book 'The Baby Factory'. It was a pleasure as the writer/journalist conceived her daughter via IVF, so there was so much understanding and empathy for what I was going through.

Giving my story bought back so many memories; the Chinese herbs, the tea and other concoctions from o/seas, the Healer in Wollongong (who still holds a special place in my heart) who blew on me to rid me of bad spirits, and so much more. I have done it all and you know what I would do it all again in a second if I knew that I would be able to fall pregnant. Things we do.

I had my b/t on Tuesday and was given the go ahead with Puregon (FSH) and start that tonight. Another b/t on Monday morning and it seems to be all go from there.

Thanks to my friends commenting who are always on hand to offer their support.