Friday, October 14, 2005

Nice to see you again?

Nice to see you? It is nice to see D. again at the end of the day, it is nice to see long lost friends, it is nice to see relatives living o/seas again, it is nice to meet cyber friends IRL (as long as they don't stalk me) ...


for the u/s lady to say 'nice to see you again'? FFS it is not nice to see YOU I tell her. She was stunned but then I had to explain. I told her the only time she can EVER say that so me again is if I am coming in for a pregnancy u/s. Mind you I think I will be saying 'nice to see you again' to her and really truly meaning it.

Ok the details:

Right Ovary - 7 follicles ranging from 6mm-16mm. Most are around 13-16mm
Left Ovary - 5 follicles ranging from 11-16mm

Don't know whether I am happy or not as last time I had 16 follicles of which only 8 had eggs. You see a follicle does not always mean it has an egg and you will only find that out on the day of EPU. But these follicles are much bigger than anything I have had previously. In saying that the idea was this cycle that we would stim a little longer to allow any smaller follciles to develop and in turn loosing the bigger ones. I am thinking that based on today's results I would loose all of them if we did that so I will be talking with the nurses this afternoon.

I have been reading the story about baby Joey since he was born and was devastated to read that he had lost his fight with his killer disease. My thoughts are with Chris and Kara at this difficult time.


Blogger Nico said...

Sounds like you have a pretty good number of pretty good sized follicles! *Fingers crossed*

1:27 pm  
Blogger Nico said...

So when do you trigger? Or have you already? Inquiring minds want to know!!

11:05 am  

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