Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Puregon - Friday

The clinic has advised to start the Puregon on Friday as opposed to today. Is this because they are trying to schedule my EPU on a particular day? I think so! And I am not happy!

Can anyone help with posting pictures??? Help.

Stimming - Puregon

Still have not recovered from my previous post and won't until this is dead and buried but I do have good news..........I start stimming tonight (I think). I have to ring the clinic between 2-4pm just to confirm.

On my last cancelled cycle I was on Gonal F 175ui to begin with, this time I am on Puregon 300ui. I wonder whether they are the equivalent of one another or are they entirely different.

I am hoping that this IVF cycle is a positive experience and that I get to EPU and ultimately ET and then well you know what I want then.

Hope and pray for me....

Monday, June 27, 2005

The Bad News

Well the story is so long and I really don't know where to start but suffice to say helping someone is not always the best thing to do.

Detectives are wanting to speak to me about something I so was not and do not want to be involved in and I am not sure what to do...

The Good News

My beautiful SIL is pregnant and I couldn't be happier!! This is my DB's wife and she is the greatest thing ever to enter into my life.

I don't have a sister and SIL hasn't got a sister so we have attached onto one another so much. She is there for me always and I am here for her always.

I am going to be an aunty and I am loving that feeling. In less than 9 months my beautiful neice or nephew will come into the world and it won't know what hit it.

Grow strong my darling....

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Copied from my post on EB...

I don't know whether any of you remember me talking about my dog Mack that disappeared NYE because he was frightened of firecrackers......well here is a little about the events of that night. Every year we celebrate NYE at our holiday house down south. Firecrackers are let off and Mack has NEVER liked them. He tried to get into every little corner and curl up but as we were always around him we reassured him that all was ok and by morning he was fine.

Well this year for the first time ever we stayed home (we live on acreage) as we let my DH's uncle and family stay at the holiday house as he has a terminal disease. I fed Mack at about 7pm and told him that I would come and take him inside after he finishes his dinner. I was sitting watching the TV and heard 'one' firecracker. Immediately I run outside but Mack was not to be found. I searched day and night. I made brochures, I got a company 'PetSearch' to help me find my Mack. Absolutely no trace of him whatsoever.

Yesterday I drove into our driveway after going to pick up my meds for IVF and was just about to reverse when I looked to my left and thought I had seen Mack, sure enough it was Mack. Practically 6 months to the day my Mack was home. I screamed and howled like a baby but I was just so happy to have him home.

All was not well with Mack though. He would not look at me and it looked like he either suffered a stroke or got hit by a car so at 7.30pm it was off to the hospital. In the car my MIL was holding him but he was really panting but by the time we got to the hospital he was breathing easier. As he got out of the car he collapsed. They gave him oxygen to keep him going and took a chest x-ray which revealed that his heart was double the size and he had fluid all over his lungs. They indicated that they could give medication which would pro-long his life for a couple weeks but he would be very uncomfortable and someone would need to be with him 24/7 or put him to sleep. I chose the latter.....

I am just so pi$$ed off at myself for everything. I am pi$$ed off that I was not a responsible owner on the night that he went missing. I am pi$$ed off that I only got to spend several hours with him after not seeing him for 6 months. I am at a loss and don't know what to do....

p.s. The story by the people who took him to the vet is a little sus and I believe that they had him all this time and negelected him. I will investigate that a little more.

Monday, June 20, 2005


Give me a L
Give me an U
Give me a C
Give me a R
Give me an I
Give me a N

What do you get......you get Lucrin!! Come to think of it Murray's Pharmacy is going to give it to me as they stock it to the brim!

Went for my 1st b/t this morning for this cycle and have been given the go ahead. This month I am just going to take it as it comes....oops actually that's what I did last month and it still got cancelled. DH, some friends and I are going to the snows in the 2ww so I am not sure whether I should partake in the skiing but I am thinking that I should just go about my normal activities as many women do and still fall pregnant.

I went to my 3rd EB AC lunch at Hogs Breath on Saturday and it was great. Just putting some names to faces is awesome. Several newbies also attended which is sort of not good but good as we can all support one another. Thank you for a great time!

As Rove says.....say hi to your mum for me!

Friday, June 17, 2005

My Husband

Dh is a wonderful husband. He helps me with housework, never insists on anything such as having dinner on the table, lets me shop till I drop (this is v important), suffice to say he is all I have ever wanted. BUT (there is a but) he does have a flaw and that flaw to me is worrying. Put simply, he does not plan for the future.

Ok to explain this a little, Dh lives for the moment. Not for tomorrow or yesterday just for right here right now. This annoys the hell out of me. Things that I would like he take more of an interest in is:

- controlling our finances;
- emotionally contribute to IVF;

both of these have to do with planning for the future but he doesn't see it as much of a problem as I do. When I ask Dh where he sees us in 5-10 years time he says that he doesn't think about the future and really does not care as long as we are ok today who cares about tomorrow. I just wish that he were a planner but then again you can't change the unchangeable and then again he wouldn't be Dh if he were a planner......right?

Thursday, June 16, 2005


This occupies my thoughts every second of every day. Luckily I am not overweight but I am not toned and certainly have put on quite a few kg's over the last year. I tell myself to eat sensibly but I can't......for someone that is totally obsessed with food this is extremely difficult and something I just don't want to do. So if I want to eat everything is sight, I should exercise.....right? Wrong! I have not done one bit of exercise for a long long time and it is catching up with me.....fast. I have no determination nor any wilpower and this kills me.

I love you ..... food.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Just thought I would let you know that Garnet had her little baby girl....Luca. Garnet is still not out of the woods yet but according to her SIL is doing ok. Keep fighting Garnet & Luca!!

You can read more...http://www.essentialbaby.com./CFForum/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=62&Topic=174778&srow=1&erow=15


Do you have an unforgettable moment.....I did. I went to a concert, Lucky Dube. DH is into reggae and I didn't really think that I would enjoy it but it was better than any other concert I have been to and I have been to quite a few! So if Lucky Dube is performing at a venue near you, go along I can assure you that even if you have never heard of Lucky Dube, you will leave feeling on top of the world.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


I wanted to post something positive just for the heck of it. Why? Because. Just because.

Here are the positives:
- I am alive
- I am married to someone who loves me (although it has been a while since he said it but does show it each and every day)
- I have a beautiful family (most of them anyway)
- I have a job that pays me lots of moula
- I have three beautiful dogs who make me smile no matter what!
- I may not be pregnant but there is technology that will help me get there, and some of it is rebated by our government
- And many many more...

Over and out.....