Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Short and very sweet

Part 3....

Started Lucrin injections yesterday, finish the OCP tomorrow, another b/t next Tuesday. All very exciting now but it gets harder by the minute and more frustrating too.

I am so praying this one works for me....

Friday, September 23, 2005

Lesson Learnt

Ok my last post was a whine and a whinge about me nearly pulling my hair out as D. was expecting me to organise everything a do a full time job at the same time but I have to say that he learnt his lesson. How? Well Anita followed instructions as carefully as she could but it was more of an effort for me to do it as I had to keep confirming things and that took more time and effort than it would have if he just did it himself. Anyway I suppose it is my home too so must help when needed.

Ok today I have heard it all. A new mum giving her 8 week baby Phenergen! Her reason? She needed to sleep....the baby that is. I secretly think that the twit needed precious sleep. FFS your baby is a new born and you expect that your routine will be all over the place until they are um about 18!. Seems to me that this baby may be interferring with her life and just drugging it with Phenergen will solve it. Mind you it wasn't even prescribed by her doctor but the Pharmacist suggested it! But hang on he has 3 years tertiary study so that makes it ok. Wake up to yourself girl this is a new born and you just take every moment/day/month as it comes. If the baby is having trouble sleeping, shouldn't you be asking your doctor for a referral to 'Tresillian?'. No that would be too easy.

Over and out but totally totally disgusted with what this twit has done!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

....and nearly pulling my hair out

Oh yes...just picture it. Me on one side of the world and D. on our acreage on the other side of the world asking me to do every God damn thing possible!

Ring the engineer and ask him whether the concrete slab needs to be post tensioned (what the?). Like you haven't got a mouth!!

Ring the engineer to come and inspect the piers tomorrow

Ring around and get some prices for 1000 x 290mm besser blocks (what the?)

Ring around and get a price for a pallet of common bricks (then she asks me do you want them with holes or without - she was asking too much. At this stage I don't care if these were made our of ruby's....just give me your price lady!)

Organise a bricklayer for Thursday / Friday and get a quote. This wasn't THE bricklayer it was A bricklayer. I hadn't even got any quotes at that stage. Thankfully I did get onto one brickie so yay that was v. lucky.

I had one massive headache and cannot wait for this day to be over. I have had enough of this owner builder thing to last me an absolute lifetime. Did I mention that we are only 1 week in with building. lol.

Friday, September 16, 2005

And we are away...

We have officially turned over the first dirt on our acreage. Excavation started today and I am one happy gal.

D.'s report from the block tells me that excavation should be completed tomorrow and then formwork on our home starts on Monday. We actually thought that excavation would take a week or so, so we are ahead of schedule as at Day 1. Somehow I don't think that this will continue.

Oh and it just started raining so work has stopped for today....go figure, we are building in Silverdale (next suburb over to the catchment area, Waragamba). It could only happen to me!

Have a great weekend all....I know mine is a busy one so will check back on Monday. Oh and I will have some photos of the current happenings at Silverdale too.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

How often is too often?

Well this is something we all do.......the neighbour does it, even Posh and Becks, Britney probably just did one whilst giving birth, pretty sure Princess Mary will do one too (maybe not during childbirth but definitely before or after), I do them ALL THE FRIGGIN time.

Don't want to reveal myself too much but I am sure you get the drift. Now I talk about this subject with my friends all the time, as with friends nothing should be sacred, but they actually said that I do it too much and that it is not normal. Ok so fast forward to my Dr's appt where I asked him if it was normal and he basically did not answer me. I mean how could he as he was trying to contain his laughter with the odd chuckle under his breath.....he had heard it all at that stage! But I am still none-the-wiser. So people how often is too often?

Must investigate as lovely readers your comments are few and far between but I will be back with an update as to what is normal.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Zappa - RIP Posted by Picasa

Mack - RIP Posted by Picasa


Those buggers down below...

We have Marla (left in picture)- she is a pure boxer. Not affectionate, but you know that she cares. She loves chasing anything and is the best guard dog ever. They do say that boxers are the jokers of guard dogs and this rings true. She is 6 years old and just a darling. She loves D. much more than me but so have all our dogs.

Barney (middle in picture) - is a cross aussie bulldog and boxer. He is bulldog in statue but has the boxer head. He does not listen and runs the other way when you tell him to go into his enclosure (before you jump the gun the enclosure is about the size of 1/2 a football field, we live on acreage). Although he has selective hearing (bit like D.) he is just a charmer. Those eyes are monkey like and all is forgiven in a few minutes.

Then it is the one and only Bully (Barneys brother and right in picture) - As opposed to Barney Bully listens. He listens to the door opening (this may mean that we are bringing out food), he listens to the garage door opening (this may mean that we are going to the fridge getting their food ready), he listens to my car pulling up in the driveway (as this may mean that I have just bought some fresh bones / meat from the butchers), he listens to D. as more often than not D. is eating something which must be shared of course. See he listens. Bully is also very much taken after the aussie bulldog as opposed to the boxer side. He jumps on you when you least expect it and is a chicken. He is scared of everything. In fact he is the worst guard dog we have had but Marla is there for that.

D. and I had had two boxer brothers (Mack and Zappa) who we love dearly. They will NEVER be forgotten and are forever in my heart.

Friday, September 09, 2005

We're ready to take a ride in our ma's new company car!!! Hoping like hell that the boss never discovers her blog as that will be the end of our trips!  Posted by Picasa

Got it!

If it worked, there will be a picture of my fur babies.....fingers crossed!


When will I be blessed with my very own baby? Why am I going through what I am going through? Why? I have oh so many questions that I can't answer.

My current status is that I am on BCP in prep. for my next stim. cycle. I can't remmeber having these emotional side effects on my last stim. cycle with the BCP. Will think of another reason as to why I am a emotional wreck today.......I have to blame something!

I read another blog the other day and thought I would pinch the idea (just this once), and it was asked as to what sites / blogs you find interesting, sad, funny, etc. These are mine:

My heart goes out to Chris and Kara. Hang in there Joey.







Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Everything and Anything

I have so much to finish at work but my motivation is ZILCH....
(and it doesn't help that the boss is not here)

I hate the fact that I want to do something else with my career but unfortunately can't as my job pays well and we couldn't financially be without it....

I am fed up with dealing with tradesman....

I am fed up with spoon feeding D. about what needs to be done....

I am fed up with this pregnancy obsession. Why can't I just accept that it may not happen and just be happy that my SIL is pregnant and that is all I may ever get....
(Just to clarify, I love that my SIL is pregnant, but why can't I be satisfied with that)

I hate that I am not at my ideal weight and cannot diet for the life of me....
(no I am not overweight but am slowly getting there and not being able to stop it)

I hate that I worry about things that are not really important....

I hate that my mum is not a friend to me and that we cannot talk about 'things'....

I hate that my little brother started a business at the age of 18 (and is not yet making millions) worries whether he can pay wages each and every week, yet works till all hours in the morning....

Told you...everything and anything